Computer Organization

The design and organization of computer systems, including the structure of components, memory, and instruction execution.

Number Systems

Number systems in computer architecture, like binary, octal, and hexadecimal, are fundamental for data representation and processing.

Binary Conversions

Binary Math Calculator

Octal Conversions

Hexadecimal Conversions

Decimal Conversions

Decimal Math Calculator

Number Base Converter

Any Base Math Calculator

Digital Logic

Digital Logic refers to the fundamental operations and circuits that perform binary computations and decision-making.

Intro to Computer Organization and Architecture

Intro to Digital Logic

Boolean Algebra

Truth Tables

Logic Gates

Karnaugh Maps (K-Map)


Signed Integers

Signed integers represent positive and negative whole numbers in binary, using a sign bit to indicate the number's polarity.

Signed Magnitude Converter

Signed Magnitude Math Calculator

One's Complement Converter

One's Complement Math Calculator

Two's Complement Converter

Two's Complement Math Calculator

Excess Notation Converter

Floating Point (IEEE 754)

IEEE 754 is a standard for floating-point arithmetic, defining formats for representing numbers and rules for rounding and operations.

IEEE754 Floating Point Math Calculator

Character Codes

Character codes map keys to symbols, enabling data representation and manipulation in computing systems, like ASCII and Unicode.

ASCII Binary Translator

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Converter

Gray Code Converter

Error Detection and Correction

Error detection and correction involve identifying and fixing data transmission errors using redundancy.

Binary Parity Calculator


Hamming Code Calculator

Cyclic Redundancy Check

Hamming Distance Calculator

Reed Solomon Codes

Bitwise Operations

Bitwise operations are operations that are performed on binary digits (bits) at the level of the individual bits.

Bitwise AND Calculator

Bitwise OR Calculator

Bitwise Complement (NOT) Calculator

Bitwise XOR Calculator

Bitwise NOR

Bitwise NAND

Bit Shift

Bit Rotation

Bitwise XNOR Calculator


Memory in computers stores and retrieves data, enabling processing and task execution. It includes RAM, cache, and long-term storage like HDD/SSD.

Introduction to Memory

Cache Memory

Virtual Memory

Memory Mapping

Primary Memory


Processing involves executing instructions by the CPU to perform computations and manage data within a computer system.

Intro to CPUs

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA's)

CPU Performance

Instruction Pipelining

Interrupts & Exceptions

Parallel Processing


Assembly language is a low-level coding syntax that translates human-readable instructions into machine code for computer processors.

Introduction to Assembly